Tuesday, April 4, 2017

35 Ways You Can Save $10,000

Call in number 310-861-2349
4 April 2017
7 PM to 9 PM

What should you be doing to save for your retirement, in your _____?

Recommended you set aside 15% of your salary for retirement. Contribute to your company’s retirement plan if one is offered. As your salary increases, ramp up percentage of income contribution. The benefits for savers in their 20s are huge.

It’s time to increase percentage of income contribution to company’s 401k or similar retirement plan. You still have a long time to let your money compound and grow prior to your retirement. Consider funding an IRA account.

You should be nearing your peak earning years.  Strive to max out your contributions to your 401k. This is when college also creeps up on those of us with kids consider to save for your retirement instead of saving for college.  There are other ways to pay for college, including having your children pay a portion. There are no second chances on saving for retirement.

This is our peak earning years, you should still strive to max out your contributions in 401k or similar retirement plan. Ideally, you are doing other saving and investing for retirement. Focus on funding your retirement rather than paying for your kids’ college tuition. You might need to care for aging parents. Take a serious look at your retirement plan, if behind consider cutting spending or plan on working a bit longer.

If you are behind, it is not too late to salvage your retirement, even into your 60s, might require working a bit longer or even part time into your retirement. Not the time cut back on contributions to your retirement plans.  It’s important to carefully time when you claim Social Security

Retirement Impact on Families
The growing population of older people and the impact on their families. Defining the Generations.

Topic Questions for Follow-up and Review
1.      Why most Baby Boomers will not be able to retire, unless…?
2.      How much do Baby Boomers have saved for retirement?
3.      How much should they have saved?
4.      What is a more disturbing fact than the savings shortfall?
5.      How can you build an Emergency Fund?
6.      How much should you save for an Emergency Fund?
7.      What does it take to be prepared for retirement?
8.      Why you should be investing in your retirement plan?

ü  Face Your Fears
ü  Embrace New Truths
ü  Create Your Financial Action Plan

Some Topic Sources                                      
United States Census Bureau
Pew Research Center
National Financial Educators Council (NFEC)
Center for a Secure Retirement

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